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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/11/2016
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
2nd Thursdays at 7 pm
Minutes of Meeting February 11, 2016
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Present:  Bob Mann, Frank Harrison, Blaze Konefal, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Jim Eggers
Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:07 pm.  Minutes of the meeting on January 14, 2016 approved.

Logging operations land owner of Tax Map 8, Lot 52 has requested from the State of NH a wetlands variance to manage red pine scale on the property.  Approval granted with conditions stated in letter.

Shirley Waters estate update of due diligence and fees by the executors.

Wetland boardwalk construction and design company, Solid Earth Technologies, distributed pamphlets highlighting helical pile installation as an innovative, low impact means to manage construction on and near wetlands.

Upcoming Rt 4 Paving and Traffic Flow management packet received in the mail necessitated a review by the commission.  It was agreed that the planned management by the State for existing culverts was acceptable under the assumption that care will be given to maintain (or improve) existing water flow conditions.  The culverts are near the junction of Cross Road / Rt 4,  Bill’s RV on Rt 4, and The Epsom townline on Rt 4.

a.      Public Outreach:  
i)      Charrette group is actively reviewing plans for future development of Main Street.
ii)     Frank is planning to write and submit the next article about invasive plant species.
iii)    The Heritage Commission has many sugar maples ready for transfer to permanent roadside locations in an effort to restore perishing sugar maples around town.  Please contact them to arrange for a review of your property to see if your location is suitable.
b.      Land Conservation: no new business
c.      Spaulding Town Forest: no new business
d.      Carpenter Park:  Conversation regarding a possible workday in the spring/summer to clear invasive and undesirable species from the Carpenter Road/Rt 28 edge of the park.  Possibly a conspicuous site  for Heritage Commission sugar maples.  Will consult with the Parks and Rec Commission.
e.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Frank will contact Solid Earth Technologies ( to arrange for a free consultation with a representative about the feasibility of building a         raised boardwalk and wildlife viewing blind on a portion of the MSCA property.
f.      Easement Stewardship:  no new business

Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.  Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 7 pm, Public Invited